LGB 2015D Insterburg Steam Loco w Power Tender Smoker Lights + SL Firemans Platform NEW
Two motors for max pulling power
Smoke, Directional Lights, and SL Firemans Walk-Way Platform

Runs on DC analog power or DCC or MTS power with optional Decoder Installation
Shourt Line Discount Price: $399.95
For questions on this item or details on our professional repair and conversion services
Call 310-622-4431 or email us at info@ShourtLine.com
The Model Features:
- Weather-resistant constructions
- Loco and Tender each have 4 Powered wheels
- Loco and Tender each have 6 Power Pickups
- Directional Lighting front and rear automatically operate with change in direction
- LGB smoke generator with on-off switch at bottom of loco under smoke stack
- 2 Protected Gearboxes each with a Powerful Bühler 7 pole DC motor for max pulling power.
- LGB scale engineer figure in the cab - made in Germany
- Three each twin LGB power sockets and twin LGB power plug to share tack power between loco and tender for ultra reliable power pickup.
- Shourt Line SL 3120152 Fireman's Walk-Way for LGB loco, closes the gap between tender and loco, snap-in the Firemans Platform Walk-Way to loco for safely stoking the loco.
Mfg: Made in Germany by LGB.
Components: Designed for indoor or outdoor use

Comes with LGB Instruction book, factory box and packing, loco, power tender, and Shourt Line SL 3120152 Fireman's Walk-Way for closing the gap between tender and loco (see photo above and in the close up photo below)

Shourt Line SL 3120152 Fireman's Walk-Way provides a safe platform between the LGB loco and tender, fits all LGB locos with rear open cabs, installs in seconds.

The SL 3120152 Fireman's Walk-Way for closing the gap between tender and loco is not installed in this photo but shown in the bottom left side of the photo next to the LGB power cable that is also not installed installed but included.

Note the smoker on-off switch shown at the front bottom of the loco. Shourt Line SL 3120152 Fireman's Walk-Way is not installed in the photo above.

Don't miss the train - All aboard! (note the rear light and power jacks on the rear of the loco for powering car lighting.
Questions? Call 310-622-4431 or Email info@ShourtLine.com
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